Changes on Company Law entering into force as of October 1, 2018
Qualified electronic signature
The Deed of Incorporation in electronic form is being electronically signed and notarized by qualified electronic signature or qualified electronic stamp of the public notary. Electronic Deed of incorporation is being registered in electronic form.
All companies will need to register an email address in the Company Register
Usage of stamp
Stamp usage in business documents can not be prescribed by special regulations. Or better to say the other laws providing obligation of stamp are not in force anymore.
Approval of the transaction with value over 10% of booked value of assets
If personal interest exists in the company transactions with value over 10% of company booked assets, approval is obligatory and obtaining assessment of the market value of the assets.
Company is obliged to publish detailed description of such a transaction on the own website or website of Registration Agency.
Deadline for payment of dividends
Dividends shall be paid latest 6 months from the date of the adoption of decision on payment of dividends.
Representative office
The decision on incorporation of the representative office has to contain an email address and that address has to be registered
Branch office
Every branch office, domestic of foreign has to be registered at the Registration Agency.
If the status of branch office founder changes legal successor of founder is being approved and branch office shall continue to operate under the successor business name.
The decision on establishing a branch office has to contain an email address and financial statements of the founder.